
Feb 2024, A legacy of transformation

One of the markers of the transformative leadership by Prof Russel Botman is the steadfast movement toward an equitable, equal, open, and welcoming culture at the residences at Stellenbosch University. One such example is the establishment of a residence for senior students that hones new ways of living together. New ways that build, encourage, support, and challenge each of the residents towards a new society of people leaning towards one another, leaning into one another.

To take up this baton, the Russel Botman Bursary Fund is proud to announce that one of our own has taken up a leadership position at House Russel Botman. Congratulations to Prof Xolile Simon who took up the position of Residence Head this year. May this experience in close living relationships with students and also bursary recipients grant you a rewarding and satisfying life experience. May you further the cause of creating a new society by walking the path not yet taken. Keep on providing new examples of welcoming, embracing, accepting, and living together.

The Russel Botman Bursary Fund also commends all the residents who eagerly embark on a culture of inclusivity and interdependence, in so doing, giving meaning to the hope of a new society, the legacy of Prof Botman. Thanks for taking up the challenges bravely and boldly by living for the new, living in the hope of a future and better society where barriers need to be broken and new bonds forged.

Salute, residents, and staff of House Russel Botman!

To support these very students I urge all of you to join all the donors to the Russel Botman Bursary Fund to donate generously to create bursary opportunities for deserving students that will stand our society in the country and on the continent in good stead – taking us all forward.