We are entering the season of new life. Spring, being the expression of new life, brings with it the sense that ‘the new’ can never be truly new without any connection to the old. It is in resting and dying that the new can be born.
The new for the Russel Botman House came after Professor Botman himself opened a new residence at Stellenbosch University shortly before his passing. This residence was not only new but the only one of its kind in South Africa at the time. Professor Botman can be lauded for his visionary approach and implementation of ideas, even in an environment with no precedents. He was a learner and researcher of note, and his style of management and leadership depended on that. I can honestly state that opening the residence was one of his proudest moments as Rector and Vice-Chancellor. He saw it not only as a student residence but as a place where new ways of being, thinking, and living could be established. He believed that the youth have the potential to teach us new ways and to help us unlearn so much.
This month, that residence is celebrating 10 years as we ‘re-member’ Professor Botman and all the past residents. After his passing in 2014, the student leaders and residents proposed naming it after Russel Botman. The naming ceremony took place on 21 March 2015, Human Rights Day. To date, several of the recipients of the Russel Botman Bursary Fund have lived there and taken up leadership positions. They have made us proud with the transformation work that they do, in keeping with the legacy of Russel Botman.
His legacy of investing in our future to ensure bursary opportunities depends on the generosity of donors. If you have not done so yet, start donating today and continue to honour his rich legacy in this way.